Denbora erabiltzeko modu berriak
Nuevos usos del tiempo
Innovative Uses of Time

In recent years, Bilbao and Bizkaia have been undergoing major changes that have affected the population’s lifestyles and time management. Faced with this situation, the City Council of Bilbao and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia are supporting the creation of the NETWORK of AGENCIES in BILBAO and BIZKAIA, consisting of firms and organisations that are committed to the achievement of better time management and the reconciliation of work and family and personal life.

Our Network’s best practices

Ms. Begoña Murguialday Martínez
Managing Director

Lehendakari Agirre 11
48014 BILBAO
Phone: +34 94 476 51 66


Accolades and innovation

  • PROPEX (Por Propia Experiencia – By Own Experience). A prize for best practices in in-house management for firms involved in consultancy, engineering and ICTs awarded by SPRI and EUSKALIT. In 2011, MURGIBE received an accolade for its Reconciliation Policy.
  • Innovation Agenda - Berrikuntza Agendak. Provincial Council of Bizkaia. 2009
  • "Partner Agency in Equal Opportunities for Women and Men" recognised by the Basque Government’s Equal Opportunities Organisation (EMAKUNDE/ Institute Vasco de la Mujer). 2007
  • "Pioneering Company in the Reconciliation of Life-Work", in the European Social Fund’s EQUAL- AURRERATU Project. 2007
  • Consultancy officially endorsed by the Basque Government through its Equal Opportunities Organisation EMAKUNDE/Instituto Vasco de la Mujer, to provide technical support in matters of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. 2005.