Denbora erabiltzeko modu berriak
Nuevos usos del tiempo
Innovative Uses of Time

In recent years, Bilbao and Bizkaia have been undergoing major changes that have affected the population’s lifestyles and time management. Faced with this situation, the City Council of Bilbao and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia are supporting the creation of the NETWORK of AGENCIES in BILBAO and BIZKAIA, consisting of firms and organisations that are committed to the achievement of better time management and the reconciliation of work and family and personal life.

Our Network’s best practices

Ms. Marta Carazo
Head of Corporate Management

Bª San Agustín s/n
48230 Elorrio (Bizkaia-Spain)
Phone: +34 946 21 12 16



An Equal Opportunities Committee was set up in 2005 with delegates representing both the company itself and EROSKI’s social side, with its remit being to conduct a diagnosis in matters of equality and draft its first Plan for Equal Opportunities among Women and Men in 2006.

From the very start, reconciliation and shared responsibility have been one of the cooperative’s strategic mainstays, and they are communicated to the entire workforce through the different reporting channels that are available (intranet, magazine, fora, courses..), being assessed annually.

As part of the process, different in-house training schemes are held, with awareness campaigns being organised for the public at large, with the aim being to foster these values of reconciliation and shared responsibility.

The different strategies are evaluated in sundry satisfaction surveys and assessed individually by gender. In early 2015, the Committee has reviewed its diagnosis and drawn up its second Plan for Equal Opportunities among Women and Men.

Eroski is actively involved in public meetings and fora related to this subject, being awarded several accolades.


Flexibility in the use of time

  • Shift workers: their own organisational arrangements.
  • Adjustment of timetables for personal reasons.
  • Autonomy for organising maternity leave and breastfeeding (accumulate, extend).
  • Leave of absence for legal guardianship as from 3 months.
  • Up to 10 day’s leave per year for attending to personal matters.
  • The working day includes the time devoted to team meetings, briefing sessions, training, etc.
  • Minimum working week of 28 h. Shorter weeks may be arranged at the specific request of the member worker.
  • 31 calendar days of holidays, with the vacation period to be chosen between 15 June and 15 September.

Flexibility in the workplace

  • The workplace is to be located as close as possible to each person’s place of residence.

Leave and time off

  • Time off for accompanying dependents to medical appointments.
  • An extra two days off per year for arranging adoptions or pre-adoption or permanent fostering.
  • Paid leave for the birth of a grandchild. Two calendar days in a row.
  • One month of unpaid leave.
  • Voluntary reduction in the working day for whatever reason at the member’s request, retaining the right to reinstate the ordinary working day once the requested period of shorter working hours has ended.
  • Voluntary leave of absence with the right to return to work.
  • Voluntary leave of absence for career development (training) or social responsibility.
  • Voluntary leave of absence. Care of relatives up to the third degree for those members responsible for the direct care of a dependent family member.
  • Maternity leave. Allowance to make up 100% of the amount calculated for national insurance (this means earning more than the normal salary).

Other measures

  • 100% subsidy for learning the local language in each region.
  • Cash allowance for caring for dependent children or elderly people with some form of physical, mental or sensorial disability.
  • Cash allowance for those members in need, and special mortgage terms.
  • Study allowance for those persons who within a process of continuous improvement wish to attend courses for professional advancement or personal development.
  • Payday loans.
  • Bonus of 55% over the hourly pay rate for working on a Saturday afternoon.