Denbora erabiltzeko modu berriak
Nuevos usos del tiempo
Innovative Uses of Time

In recent years, Bilbao and Bizkaia have been undergoing major changes that have affected the population’s lifestyles and time management. Faced with this situation, the City Council of Bilbao and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia are supporting the creation of the NETWORK of AGENCIES in BILBAO and BIZKAIA, consisting of firms and organisations that are committed to the achievement of better time management and the reconciliation of work and family and personal life.

Our Network’s best practices

Ms. Leire Solozabal Bergara

Calle Luzarra, 10
48014 BILBAO
Tel.: +34 94 448 00 00



Since 2008, the company has been applying people-based management, driving a higher level of personal satisfaction and development, a commitment to the business project, and the assumption of a hands-on role in management.

A company-wide diagnosis was made in 2012 on "Organisational flexibility" within the framework of a research project-action on "Commitment and involvement in management for greater flexibility and self-reliance".

The catalogue of measures is contained in the Induction Handbook and Staff Regulations. Externally, the company is involved in fora related to Equal Opportunities and Reconciliation.

At present, work is currently being undertaken to link the pay scheme to innovative reconciliation measures in the design of each individual career roadmap (development of individual and team competencies).


Flexibility in the use of time

  • Staggered times for starting and finishing work.
  • Early afternoon finishes during the summer months and on Fridays throughout the year.
  • Option of a single eight-hour shift by skipping the lunch break throughout the year.
  • Timetable flexibility depending on circumstances and milestones in the lives of employees (maternity and paternity leave, pregnancy, caring for dependent people, employees aged over 55, etc).
  • Choice of holiday times.
  • Option of taking unpaid leave.

Flexibility in the workplace

  • Working from home in certain specific cases.
  • Option of working from home during the afternoon, according to the weekly rota agreed by the team.
  • Support for the use of new technologies and deployment of the required technical means.

Leave and time off

  • Paid leave:
    - 15 calendar days in the event of common law partnerships with full entitlement.
    - 25 hours for outside staff training within the working day.
  • Unpaid leave: up to five working days in a row and 90 hours per year for personal reasons.
  • Holidays: as of the age of 50 these are increased by one day per year up to a maximum of 15.
  • Leave of absence for periods of less than three months.

Other measures

  • Rest area with a reading corner and provision for BookCrossing.
  • Instruction of the workforce in relaxation and stress-reducing techniques.
  • Financial allowance for studying a Master’s degree or other kind of studies, which may be pursued during or outside the workday.